Leaving a Lasting Impression - Personalized PROMO for Businesses

A personalized gift has a special sentiment - It shows the recipient that you went the extra mile to really consider their personality, desires and needs. 

From a corporate point of view, its important to let your customers know how much you appreciate them. They are, after all, the reason behind your success. FACT: Promotional products benefit your business as well. When done correctly, you can benefit your relationship with the customer and work double time for your company with marketing for future growth.

Here are a few examples of some personalized Tumblers we've worked on. Who wouldn't love to carry this every day?

Logo or No-go?:
You probably assume that every promotional item should have your company logo on it. After all that’s the point of advertising, right? Not necessarily. Its good to consider your audience. Current Customer?employees? Potential Customer? 

For Current Customers:
Sometimes personalizing the item for the client makes more sense. For example, if you put a good customer’s name on a briefcase, a stainless steel tumbler or water bottle, personalized knife or even a nice pen set... It ensures they will be more likely to use it – and tell others where they got it. (*Do you see the win/win here? - They will do the promoting for you!) Recipients are more likely to keep the item than if it just includes only a generic company brand.

If you're wondering, it is not wrong to add your company logo to the item. Especially in larger quantities, it may not be cost effective to personalize each piece specifically for each client. Its best to take the budget you have and make it work for you the best you can. Build those relationships and those repeat customers and they'll pay you back with their loyalty and bring you referrals. 

For Employees:
I've yet to meet a person who will easily say no to free stuff. We all love it. There is no shame. Try boosting morale in your own office! Any item that makes the daily grind a little easier is sure to be appreciated by your employees. 

For Future/Potential Customers:
You obviously want them to remember your name. So in this instance, it is definitely a good idea to put your logo/name on it. Give them something they'll use... while everyone loves the free pens and koosies... Its harder to stand out against competition. Be superior and get creative with your branding. Stand out so much that your potential clients won't see any other choice but you. 

Giving out promotional products is a great way to keep your name in front of past and potential customers. Consider your audience and your unique company and start thinking about ways to reach your audience. 

If you're looking into engraving (any material!), printing, marking... contact us. We're here to help... Its just what we do!